What Does OMRI Listed® Mean?

Redmond offers a range of OMRI Listed® organic products

Redmond offers a range of OMRI Listed® organic products
Posted by Brooke Loeffler on Sep 8, 2023 2:52:11 PM

Have you seen OMRI Listed® labels on certain product packages while shopping? Let's take a closer look at what it means to be OMRI Listed® organic and why Redmond is proud to offer OMRI Listed® products.

What Is An OMRI Listing?

What Is OMRI?

After the passage of the US Organic Foods Production Act in 1990, many different organizations formed to support the growing organic market. These organizations realized there was a need for a unified source which could independently evaluate products and their ingredients. A uniform quality standard could help consumers trust the products they were buying. 

In 1997, a group of these organizations joined together to become the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Since then, OMRI’s board of experts has operated as a:

“nonprofit organization providing organic certifiers, growers, manufacturers, and suppliers an independent review of products intended for use in certified organic production, handling, and processing.”

OMRI determines whether or not products meet USDA national organic standards for USA products, and the respective government agency standards for Mexico and Canada as well. 

OMRI’s mission is to:

“support the growth and trust of the global organic community through expert, independent, and transparent verification of input materials, and through education and technical assistance.”

What Does OMRI Analyze?

OMRI Listed minerals


OMRI reviews food products and a wide range of other products used throughout the entire organic food production process including: 

  • Fertilizers
  • Agricultural pest control
  • Livestock feed ingredients
  • Healthcare products
  • Processing aids
  • Sanitizers
  • Any materials used for organic production

The OMRI Review Process

When a product is submitted to OMRI, many elements are reviewed. With each product, OMRI looks at:

  • Product formulas (each ingredient in a product as well as how they interact as a whole)
  • Ingredient purchase history (where ingredients come from and how they were produced and processed)
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all components
  • Genetic modifications, ionizing radiation, or nanotechnology used
  • Product labels
  • Lab analyses of the final product

The OMRI reviewal process has multiple stages to ensure the review panel’s final decision is transparent and accurate.

Redmond : OMRI Listed®

Redmond OMRI listed salt and clay

Redmond is proud to supply a wide range of OMRI Listed® products to farms all over the country. Our ancient mineral sea salt and volcanic clays are carefully harvested and packaged without fillers or byproducts. We believe Nature Has it Right™ and want to share everything this unique mineral deposit has to offer; from our land, to yours.

© 2024 Redmond Minerals Inc.

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