Farm and Homestead winter safety tips

Tips for human and animal safety on the farm during the winter.

Posted by Brooke Loeffler on Nov 22, 2022 3:06:08 PM

Winter Safety Tips for the Farm and Homestead

We know a farmer’s job is never done. There is no off season; in fact winter brings a new set of challenges that keep the agricultural community busy. Here at Redmond, we are so grateful for farming operations, big and small. As the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” So let’s look at some preventative steps you can take to help your operation enjoy a safe winter season:

Winter Safety on the Farm Guide


In our guide, you will find helpful tips on:

Animal Safety

  • Protecting the health and well being of all classes of livestock

Winter Clothing

  • Tips for dressing for all weather conditions

Winter Health & First Aid

  • Recognizing symptoms and treatment for frostbite, hypothermia, and trench rot


  • How to prevent wintertime pathogen and ammonia buildup, and winter manure strategies

Water & Ice Safety

  • Protecting humans, animals, and structures from the dangers of ice and snow

Electricity, Lighting & Vehicles

  • Tips to keep your operation lit, safe, and functional during the dark winter months

Redmond is proud of our legacy of supporting healthy farming operations since the 1950s. We are here to help operations large and small improve animal/plant/soil health, boost profitability, and get you back to what you love about farming. Give Redmond a call today at 866-709-3192 and try our unique mineral and clay mixes to watch your farm thrive!

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Topics: Winter Safety on the Farm

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