Redmond Program for Goat Health

An overview of the Redmond Minerals goat program

Posted by: Brooke Loeffler on Jan 3, 2024 12:56:34 PM

Since the 1950s, Redmond Minerals has supported successful farms of all sizes with our unique mineral and volcanic harvests from central Utah. We know Nature Has it Right™, and that your animals' systems respond best to nature made formulas. That's why our products all start with a foundation of our ancient sea minerals, volcanic clay, or a combination of the two. Then, our livestock health and nutrition experts specially formulate to meet each species needs. We also are happy to work with you to create custom mixes that are tailored to your specifications.

Redmond natural sea minerals and clay products for beef cattle

Goat Health Concerns

Redmond offers a family of mineral and clay products that have proven benefits for helping goats through all stages of life. We care deeply about helping you and your herd with a broad range of concerns so you are able to get back to what you love about raising animals. You work on keeping your goats contained, we'll work on keeping them healthy! Click on each of the topics below to learn how Redmond can help your goats thrive:

mineral deficiencies

  • Some goat mineral mixes contain fillers and other byproducts (like DDGS). Fortunately, Redmond minerals doesn't make you pay for fillers that your animals don't need. The salty electrolytes in our deposit mirror the mineral profile found in healthy livestock blood, both in type and concentration. This is why our salt excels at replenishing those minerals, essential for your goats' health, without the waste.

Healthy Goat pregnancies

  • Goats have short pregnancies, where their need for nutrition and minerals greatly increases. Trace mineral and vitamin supplementation help with gestational diseases and a healthy kidding season.


  • Most North American soils are low in selenium, making it a common deficiency for browsing goats. As an antioxidant essential for immune health, selenium fortified Redmond mineral mixes are the perfect choice to keep diseases down in your herd.

rumen acidosis

  • Ruminal acidosis can completely shut down your goats' digestive system and even result in death losses. This downward spiral through sub-acute and acute acidosis can be reversed and prevented with a powerful rumen buffer (like sodium bentonite) along with feed and carbohydrate adjustments. 

Feed toxin binding

  • Molds and mycotoxins are a potential problem whether you grow feed for your livestock or purchase from a supplier. Independent studies have found that bentonite clay is an effective toxin binder both inside your goats' digestive system, and as a soil supplement to reduce toxin counts in feed crops.

Mastitis and udder health

  • Swollen teats, mastitis, and other problems can afflict any lactating animal. Reducing swelling, redness, and heat in affected tissue will make milking more comfortable and productive for your does. Redmond's pre-hydrated bentonite clay + essential oils are the perfect treatment for both organic and traditional farms.

Redmond Goat Supplements

Redmond goat products are specially formulated to help your herd:

Redmond goat mineral program


For minerals plus fly and biting pest control, we offer 10 Fine with Garlic; a powerful and natural solution to complicated and costly pest repellants. 10 Fine with Garlic metabolizes through the hide to protect your goats from pesky bites all year long. Offer free choice or at .25-.50 oz. (or 2-4 tsp) per head per day or free choice.

Year Round Goat Mineral Needs

Redmond Goat Mineral Mix contains the essential macro-minerals, micro-minerals, and supplemented vitamins that goats need. Free of fillers and byproducts your animals don't need, our goat minerals use their natural craving for salty electrolytes to encourage intake.    

Minerals + Conditioner

For the best results, pair 2-3 parts mineral salts with Redmond Conditioner. This rich volcanic clay supplement conditions goat rumen to operate at peak efficiency, and helps them get the most out of their diet.

Add Ons

Goat Mineral Rock on a Rope gives your animals minerals and enrichment at the same time. Reduce destructive boredom behaviors and chewing by giving your goats a tasty, sea mineral treat that will keep them both nourished and busy.

Redmond First Month is a powerful immune stimulator for the first month of a newborn ruminant's life. Protect your newborn kids' delicate immune systems and gut health from dehydration, scours, and other diseases. First Month can be bottle or syringe fed at 2 grams total per day (or spread among feedings), and is easy to mix into milk, colostrum, or your preferred replacers.

Ease milking time with Udder Mud™, an all natural bentonite clay salve that inhibits infection, reduces swelling, and relieves mastitis symptoms for your lactating does.

What Customers are Saying About Redmond's Goat Products

We hear from customers all the time that Redmond's products help them get back to what they love about raising animals. Simplify your goat mineral program and stop paying for fillers your animals don't crave or need!

Here's what customers say about using Redmond Goat Mineral Mix:


"These minerals are the best. Tried to get my goats to eat many different brands. This is the only minerals they will touch. Thanks for a great product!!!!" -Jason W.

"There is goat mineral and there is GOAT mineral. Redmond is the best. I used to use Purina because that’s all I could find- my goats didn’t really go after it. I found Redmond and everything changed. My girls love this stuff. Their coats are improving, their eyes seem brighter and milk production is up. I have this on a subscription now so I won’t run out” -Vicky D.

"Amazing. My goats went crazy over the minerals. They were chomping and jumping up and down like I’ve never seen them do before. Great stuff!" -Hunter C.

"Love this product. All the other 'goat salts' on the market have extra ingredients. The Redmond salts are just salts, pure and simple. Our goats love them too!" -Keri M.

What we hear from customers about Redmond Goat Rock on a Rope:

"Fantastic Product. My goats love the rock on a rope. I can’t keep them in stock. Absolutely no waste." -Kim B.

"I have 1 goat that every spring it never fails. He loses all of his fur, especially on his legs. He was born immune compromised and just a weakling. This has helped him not lose his fur and looks so much healthier." -David P.

"King of Goat Mineral Products. My goats were already on a loose mineral product (not Redmond) and often left it untouched for long periods of time. I got the Redmond Rock on a Rope for each of my herd (dairy goats in small groups according to their lactation status) and without exception every single goat devoured the rock, licking little divots in it with extreme pleasure. They clearly preferred this product over what they were already offered. I was truly amazed at how well every single one was so enthusiastic about it, especially since I thought I was already providing for all their nutritional needs. Clearly the rock contains something they were craving. On here this morning doing a reorder. I never want to run out." -Marci L.

"Amazing. We’ve had mineral blocks from the feed store and they fall apart and a lot goes to waste so I'm grateful for the design. Being able to just hang the rock on the gate has been wonderful. All the goats were eager to get to it and my goat who was getting bald spots has full shiny hair now. Thank you!" -Jeri

© 2024 Redmond Minerals Inc.

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